Age range: 4 to 85 years Admin: Individual Qualification level: B The AAB is ideal for evaluating fundamental academic skills during an initial evaluation, during reevaluation, or when working with those referred for learning, behavior, or vocational concerns.
AAB Print Kit: - AAB Professional Manual with Fast Guide - 25 Standard Form Item Booklets - 25 Standard Form Response Booklets - Stimulus Card NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) Comprehensive Form
Age range: 4 to 85 years Admin: Individual Qualification level: B The AAB is a complete achievement assessment, offering both a comprehensive battery and a screening version for use with individuals throughout the life span. AAB Comprehensive Form Print Kit: - AAB Comprehensive Form Professional Manual with Fast Guide - 25 Comprehensive Form Item Booklets - 25 Comprehensive Form Response Booklets - Stimulus Book 1 - Stimulus Book 2 - a Stimulus Card - 5 FREE Screening Form Item Booklets - 5 FREE Screening Form Response Booklets NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Age range: 4 to 85 years Admin: Individual Qualification level: B The AAB Screening Form measures basic academic skills, including letter and word reading, spelling, and mathematical calculation.
It features reliable change scores adjusted for practice effects, an analysis of discrepancies with various measures of IQ, an optional writing subtest, and covers a broad age range.
AAB Screening Form Print Kit: - AAB Screening Form Professional Manual with Fast Guide - 25 Screening Form Item Booklets - 25 Screening Form Response Booklets - Stimulus Card NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Age range: 11 to 19 years Admin: Individual, Group Qualification level: B The AARS is a 41-item psychometrically sound instrument that can help to identify adolescents who are at risk for diagnoses of conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Respondents indicate which behaviors they exhibit when angered and how often each behavior typically occurs. Scores are reported for Total Anger and for three subscales measuring aspects of the adolescent’s typical anger response pattern: Instrumental Anger, Reactive Anger, and Anger Control. AARS Introductory Kit: - AARS Professional Manual - 50 Test Booklets NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Age range: 12 to 19 years Admin: Individual Qualification level: C The APS empirically assesses the severity of symptoms associated with specific DSM-IV™ clinical and personality disorders. It also assesses other psychological problems and behaviors that may interfere with an adolescent’s psychological adaptation and personal competence, including substance abuse, suicidal behavior, emotional lability, excessive anger, aggression, alienation, and introversion. The test measures three broad disorder-problem domains: Clinical Disorders (20 scales), Personality Disorders (five scales), and Psychosocial Problem Content areas (11 scales). The Response Style Indicator scales (four scales) include indexes of response consistency and infrequency, response veracity, and unusual endorsement propensities. APS Introductory Kit–CD-ROM: - APS Administration and Interpretation Manual - Psychometric and Technical Manual - 25 Test Booklets - Scoring Program* with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide *Requirements - Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 - Mac users: Install Windows in VirtualBox or Boot Camp. Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported. - Prerequisites: CD-ROM drive for installation NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Adolescent Psychopathology Scale - Short Form (APS-SF)
Age range: 12 to 19 years Admin: Individual Qualification level: B The APS empirically assesses the severity of symptoms associated with specific DSM-IV™ clinical and personality disorders. The Short Form is ideal for use when time and circumstance necessitate a brief measure of psychopathology. It addresses issues regarding school safety by assessing excessive anger and propensity for violence toward others. It consists of 12 clinical scales and two validity scales. Six of the clinical scales focus on DSM-IV™ symptomatology associated with the following disorders: conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse disorder. The remaining six clinical scales are not anchored to specific DSM-IV disorders and symptoms but evaluate the related and important areas of eating disturbance, suicide, academic problems, anger/violence proneness, self-concept, and interpersonal problems. APS-SF Introductory Kit–CD-ROM: - APS-SF Professional Manual - 25 Test Booklets - Scoring Program* with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide *Requirements - Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 - Mac users: Install Windows in VirtualBox or Boot Camp. Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported. - Prerequisites: CD-ROM drive for installation NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Age range: 18 to 88 years Admin: Self-report Qualification level: B The ASIQ can quickly screen for suicidal ideation in college students and other adults. Whenever there is a risk of suicide, it can quickly assess the need to take preventive action or further evaluate. The ASIQ is extremely useful as a part of intake or during treatment. ASIQ Introductory Kit: - ASIQ Professional Manual - 25 Respondent Forms NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Age range: 5 to 17 years Admin: Individual Qualification level: B The Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test helps teachers, parents, and clinicians identify ADHD in individuals and estimate its severity. It’s based on the 2013 diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder adopted by the APA and published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders–Fifth Edition (DSM-5). The test yields standard scores, percentile ranks, severity levels, and probability of ADHD. The test has 33 clearly stated items that describe the characteristic behaviors of persons with ADHD. The items are grouped into two subscales: Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity. New Features of the ADHDT-2: - Items and subscales reflect DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. - The Hyperactivity and Impulsivity subscales were merged into one subscale. - The overall number of items was reduced to 33. - Both subscales and the ADHD Index have been empirically determined to be valid and sensitive for identification of children with ADHD. - An interpretation guide in the Examiner’s Manual allows the examiner an easy and efficient method for assessing the probability of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the severity of the disorder. Complete ADHDT-2 Kit: - Examiner’s Manual - 50 Summary/Response Forms NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Augmentative & Alternative Communication Profile: A Continuum of Learning (AACP)
Age range: 2 years to adult Admin: Individual Qualification level: A The AACP was originally developed for use with children who use speech-generating systems; the AAC Profile is appropriate for use with adults who do not have acquired communication disorders and who use AAC systems. The profile is not specific to a disorder, severity, or setting. The test is used to assess communicative competence and design intervention for the ever-changing needs of people who use AAC systems. The AACP measures subjective, functional skills for developing communicative competence using AAC systems; re-evaluates skill level; and monitors progress. The AAC Profile allows you to: - Identify areas of strength and those that need intervention and instruction - Determine functional, long-range outcomes and the steps toward achieving them - Compare individual performance over time toward desired outcomes - Identify ways that AAC support team members can define and coordinate their roles for intervention and instruction programs - Identify and provide optimal learning environments Subtests include: - Operational area of learning - Linguistic area of learning - Social area of learning - Strategic area of learning Complete AACP Kit: - Examiner's Manual - 15 Profile Forms NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale–Second Edition (BERS-2)
Age range: 5 to 18 years Admin: Individual Qualification level: A Designed for use in schools, mental health clinics, juvenile justice settings, and child welfare agencies, the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale- Second Edition (BERS-2) helps to measure the personal strengths and competencies of children ages 5-0 through 18-11. The BERS-2 is a multi-modal assessment system that measures the child's behavior from three perspectives: the child (Youth Rating Scale), parent (Parent Rating Scale), and teacher or other professional (Teacher Rating Scale). The BERS-2 measures several aspects of a child's strength: interpersonal strength, involvement with family, intrapersonal strength, school functioning, affective strength, and career strength. The scale can be completed in approximately 10 minutes. Information from the BERS-2 is useful in evaluating children for prereferral services, in placing children for specialized services, and in measuring the outcomes of services. The BERS-2 can identify children's individual behavior and emotional strengths and the areas in which individual strengths need to be developed. Complete BERS-2 Kit: - Examiner's Manual - 25 Teacher Rating Scales - 25 Parent Rating Scales - 25 Youth Rating Scales - 50 Summary Forms NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Behavioral and Psychological Assessment of Dementia (BPAD)
Age range: 30 to 90 years Admin: Informant report Qualification level: B The BPAD is a standardized informant report that assesses the changes in both behavior and mood that are associated with the onset and course of various dementia syndromes. It categorizes symptoms into three clusters (i.e., Psychopathological, Behavioral, Biological) and further, into seven domains (i.e., Perceptual/Delusional, Positive Mood/Anxiety, Negative Mood/Anxiety, Aggressive, Perseverative/Rigid, Disinhibited, Biological Rhythms). The Response Booklet is large-print to simplify completion by individuals with vision difficulties. Scoring is done through the easy-to-use BPAD Software Portfolio (BPAD-SP). After hand-entry of raw scores, the software generates scores that represent current impairment (i.e., CURRENT), past impairment (i.e., PAST), and change in impairment over time (i.e., CHANGE). BPAD Introductory Kit : - BPAD Professional Manual - BPAD-SP* with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide - 25 Response Booklets *Requirements - Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 - Mac users: Install Windows in VirtualBox or Boot Camp. Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported. - Prerequisites: CD-ROM drive for installation NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function—Adult Version (BRIEF-A)
Age range: 18 to 90 years Admin: Self-Report, Informant Report Qualification level: B The BRIEF-A is a standardized measure that captures views of an adult’s executive functions or self-regulation in his or her everyday environment. Both a self-report and an informant report are used. Based on the original BRIEF, the BRIEF-A is composed of 75 items within nine nonoverlapping theoretically and empirically derived clinical scales: Inhibit, Self-Monitor, Plan/Organize, Shift, Initiate, Task Monitor, Emotional Control, Working Memory, and Organization of Materials. It is useful for a wide variety of developmental, systemic, neurological, and psychiatric disorders such as attention disorders, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, depression, mild cognitive impairment, dementias, and schizophrenia. BRIEF-A Introductory Kit: - BRIEF-A Professional Manual - 25 Self-Report Forms - 25 Informant Report Forms - 25 Self-Report Scoring Summary/Profile Forms - 25 Informant Report Scoring Summary/Profile Forms NOTE: Price is exclusive of 12% VAT and Delivery Charges