Age range: 12 to 19 years
Admin: Individual
Qualification level: B
The APS empirically assesses the severity of symptoms associated with specific DSM-IV™ clinical and personality disorders. The Short Form is ideal for use when time and circumstance necessitate a brief measure of psychopathology. It addresses issues regarding school safety by assessing excessive anger and propensity for violence toward others.
It consists of 12 clinical scales and two validity scales. Six of the clinical scales focus on DSM-IV™ symptomatology associated with the following disorders: conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse disorder. The remaining six clinical scales are not anchored to specific DSM-IV disorders and symptoms but evaluate the related and important areas of eating disturbance, suicide, academic problems, anger/violence proneness, self-concept, and interpersonal problems.
APS-SF Introductory Kit–CD-ROM:
- APS-SF Professional Manual
- 25 Test Booklets
- Scoring Program* with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide
- Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
- Mac users: Install Windows in VirtualBox or Boot Camp. Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported.
- Prerequisites: CD-ROM drive for installation
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