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Vanguard Assessments provides psychological testing though traditional pen & paper and online formats. We develop programs and assessments that are focused on providing schools, companies, and individuals with innovative and dynamic solutions. In order to grow and adapt with the changing times, we constantly improve our online system. Together with our partners we want to provide an opportunity for psychology to be accessed to everyone.

Online Testing
A fast and reliable testing process wherein data and interpretation can be obtained as soon as 48 hours after the testing proper. The automated process decreases human error and provides the convenience of saving a significant amount of time in doing evaluations and decision making.

Paper And Pen Testing
This conventional type of testing is ideal to clients who require a personal touch coming from the psychometrician. Test scores will be given a careful analysis by a highly experienced psychologist.
Assessment Center
This method consists of exercises that simulate common work scenarios experienced by those in management positions.  It allows for the assessment of competencies relevant to the most critical aspects of a job.
The locally developed and internationally acquired psychological materials available for purchase are up-to-date and have validated psychometric properties.  Psychometricians can also aid in orientation and administration.
Research Services
Research can be conducted in the field of psychological assessment.
Human Resource Services
This includes performance appraisal systems, training, and organizational assessment and development.